Alpha titan testo Normally, it is said that most women do not reach the climax through vaginal penetration, instead, they reach their destinations through clitoral stimulation. In order to do so, your penis is not needed. You can finish this job by using sex toys or your fingers. Remember, if you can make her reach the climax first, then you don't have to worry about how long you can stay in bed, do you? There is a killer technique that you can ALWAYS get her an orgasm BEFORE you. As previously stated, if you know this technique, you don't have to worry about how long you can last, do you? ..
Short and Tall Tales
Adventures of a pair driving across the heartland
Short and Tall Tales
The Travelers
William H. the Driver
I have the navigation skills of a homing pigeon. And yes, I brag about it a lot.
Dave T. the writer
Ask me to go somewhere and I'll be there. I'm all about the sunrise hikes.
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